Wolfram was part of the project team “Photo-voltaic Consulting of the Future” that was sponsored by lusee and SWL at the Smart Regio Lab – Lenzburg Seetal that took place at the Schulhaus Bleicherain in Lenzburg on October 15 & 16, 2021.
Energy Data Hackdays 2021
Wolfram was part of the project team “Digital twins for domestic heating systems” that was sponsored by Nussbaum at the Energy Hackdays 2021 that took place at the Hightech Zentrum Aargau on September 24 & 25, 2020.
Energy & Climate Hack
Wolfram was part of the project team “NEST – a Data-driven Building Model” that was sponsored by NEST at Empa at the Energy & Climate Hack, organized by the British Embassy in Switzerland and Swisspower, together with opendata.ch, that is part of the “Decarbonising Cities – Accelerating Change” conference on August 31 & September 1, 2021.
Smart City Lab Lenzburg
Wolfram was part of the project team “Energy Consulting of the Future” that was sponsored by SWL at the Smart City Lab Lenzburg 2020 that took place online on November 13 & 14, 2020.
Energy Hackdays 2020
Wolfram was part of the project team “Optimization of District Heating” that was sponsored by AEW at the Energy Hackdays 2020 that took place at the Hightech Zentrum Aargau on August 28 & 29, 2020.
Energy Hackdays 2020 Announcement
We are looking forward to participating in the Energy Hackdays 2020 that will take place at the Hightech Zentrum Aargau on August 28 & 29 2020. See for yourself what exciting challenges have been submitted.
Bosch Connected World Hackathon 2019
Wolfram was part of the project team “Shakti” at the Bosch Connected World Hackathon that took place at the Brauhaus in Berlin on May 13-15, 2019
Energy Hackdays 2019
Wolfram was part of the project team “Algorithmische Erneuerungsplanung: Evaluation des Wertes und Einschätzung der Folgen von Infrastrukturhaltung für die Energieversorgung” that was sponsored by Eniwa at the Energy Hackdays 2019 that took place at the Hightech Zentrum Aargau on February 15 & 16, 2019.
Open Energy Data Hackdays 2016
Wolfram was part of the project team “Energiestrategie 2050 verstehen – Entdecke eine Schweiz mit 100% erneuerbaren Energien” at the Open Energy Hackdays 2016 that took place in Grimseltor/Innertkirchen on April 8 & 9, 2016.